Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I’ve not had therapy before. I’m not sure what to do.
A. I recognise how daunting the first step can be. Start by sending me an e-mail, text or leave a message on my mobile. It’s possible I won’t be able to reply there and then but I will get in touch in the same way you have, to arrange a convenient time to speak.
I can then offer you free telephone consultation (lasting 10-20 minutes) so we can discuss what has made you decide to seek counselling at this point in your life and how I might be able to help. I will take a few basic details and answer any questions you may have. If you decide at this point that you would like to make a first appointment, then we will agree a time and date. You may prefer to think about it and speak to other therapists which is totally understandable. This needs to feel right for you.
Q. I’ve booked in for my first appointment. Now what can I expect?
A. From the beginning, the content of sessions will be determined by you. Some of the things that may be useful to talk about include; reasons for seeking counselling, what you would like to achieve in the sessions and what issues are the most pressing. We may agree some goals for counselling and could use these to review how things are progressing. I may ask you for more background information so as to have a clear picture of what is going on in your life. Moving forward, the content of future sessions will be very much led by you with me guiding you through what is coming up for you which may include times when you feel stuck and have little to contribute.
We will discuss the practical side of our work together e.g. payment of fees, cancellation policy, holidays, record-keeping and my commitment to you. I will ask you to sign a contract to confirm acceptance of these conditions and give you a copy to take with you.
Each session lasts 50 minutes.
Q. How long does therapy last and how often should I come?
A. Everyone’s story is unique and individual. As you would expect, this means people choose to attend therapy for a single session, a few weeks, months, a year or longer. I will work at your pace, considering any time or financial limitations you may have and reviewing our work together regularly.
It is important at the beginning of therapy to attend weekly so as to build the level of trust and confidence that is required for a successful therapeutic relationship. As our work progresses it may feel more appropriate to move to fortnightly sessions, this may signify that therapy is moving to its natural end.
Q. What do sessions cost and how do I pay?
A. Sessions cost £48 per 50 minutes. For your first session I ask you to pay at the point of booking your appointment. Thereafter fees are paid at the beginning of each session by cash, card or bank transfer.
Q. What if I am late or need to cancel?
A. Being on time for sessions is important but sometimes we cannot help being late. Please try and ring or text if you know you will be late but do not worry if this is not possible. I will be unable to extend the time of your session, but I will be happy to receive you whatever time you arrive during your session. I am unable to reduce your session fee if you are late.
If you need to cancel an appointment, please give me as much notice as possible. If you cancel within 24 hours of the session, then the full fee will be payable. Emergencies happen - I operate a discretionary policy for some situations which are applied on an individual basis.
Q. Is everything I say confidential?
A. Whatever you choose to tell me within our sessions is completely confidential unless you specifically ask me to pass on information to somebody. I will also never disclose if you have attended sessions with me or any other details. However, there are some exceptions where I am required by law to disclose information. These are;
If I suspect you are at significant risk of harm to yourself or others.
If I believe a child or vulnerable adult is at risk of significant harm.
If I am subpoenaed by a court of law for information and required to give information under oath.
If you share information about a serious crime or terrorism or the potential of serious crime or terrorism.
Should this situation arise I will always inform you of the need to break confidentiality and what my next action will be unless this compromises your safety or that of others.
Details of my Confidentiality and Data Protection policies will be given to you.
Q. What if I am looking for a therapist for a child or young person?
A. I work with children and young people over 10 years old. Younger children may be considered after an initial consultation. The process is generally the same, however the initial session would be wholly or in part, with a parent/carer present. It is important that your child/teen knows that coming to therapy is their decision and they will need to feel comfortable with being in sessions without a parent or carer. We can discuss this at our first meeting and plan a way forward that takes your child’s needs into account.
For younger children, sessions are likely to be play orientated. Older children and young people have access to the same resources and can choose to focus their session on interacting with my therapy dog (if requested), other games and activities or talking through particular issues or most likely, a combination of all three.
Q. Is there anything else I should know?
A. Therapy doesn’t happen to you nor is it about someone telling you what you should do. It is an investment in yourself that requires courage, commitment and time. It is much more successful if you can be open and honest which may be painful and bring up difficult emotions. I will guide you through this process and help you make sense of what is happening, opening up opportunities for new perspectives. I will support you to find your own solutions and strategies that will work for you. I will listen without judgement and will also commit to responding honestly and authentically to what I hear. Therapy is a unique partnership between the two of us, a relationship like no other.
Q. What if I don’t like, am allergic to, or scared of dogs?
A. Having my therapy dog in the sessions is entirely optional.
Please be aware that my dog is not hypoallergenic, however she is regularly hand stripped to reduce shedding.
Being scared of dogs is understandable and extremely common. If you wish to discuss help with a mild phobia or severe cynophobia, please contact me.